Breast Enlargement - About the Procedure and Implant Options

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Many women and some men, the desire for breast enlargement surgery to enhance their appearance. This is actually done by inserting a bag filled with a substance with a similar consistency as natural breast tissue in that area. Incisions are needed to umetanje.Liječnik charge in each case at the beginning of the conversation for the patient to have a lot of options with regard to augmentation mammoplasty have done.

saline or silicone

debates that matter better was raging for decades, and it all boils down to personal preference of the patient. Saline is a natural occurring substance found in the body, which is why a lot of people who are in favor of this being used for the implants are inserted during a breast enlargement operation. In case of failure, there is little to worry about regarding prolonged exposure to the substance because it can be easily absorbed into the body, and deflation will be immediately visible. On the other hand, this kind of substance is prone to rippling or wrinkles, which is more noticeable to the touch and sight it seems obvious augmentation mammoplasty.

Doctors have noticed that women have less breast tissue should not opt ​​for this type of implant rippling or wrinkles more pronounced. Another choice is to place the bag under the muscle instead of over it for a more robust and natural look. Progress in the silicone implants were more and more popular lately. Concerns over leaks were appeased with recent studies of silicone gel is more stabilna.Dosljednost and appearance of a substance was inserted was more natural for sight and touch. Insertion can also be done over and under the muscle for better opportunities for the patient. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee about silicone migration, if leaks occur, which is why it is important to regularly check the chest.


There are three basic techniques for inserting the implant into the area. Incisions may be close to the armpit, the areola or under the breast, in a natural crease. Doctors have an advantage and where the cuts and that will be discussed thoroughly with the patient. The same discussion will be done with regard to where the implant. Popular choices are subglandular, which is under the mammary glands, making for a more natural look and feel, submuscular, which is under the muscle and is usually done for reconstructive surgery, and subpectoral, in which the implant in two straight position. Doctors will examine the anatomy of the patient and make recommendations to it.

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